Our Mission

Our mission is to create a safe, nurturing, and engaging classroom environment based on high-quality early childhood education practices. We foster meaningful relationships with peers and adults, build strong bodies and minds, and support the children in self-assessment and risk-taking.

Learning in and with nature is central to the philosophy of our program.  We connect children to the natural world as a means to promote environmental education and compassion for the planet. 

We accept every child exactly as they are and celebrate the characteristics that make each person unique.  We view each child through the lens of their family and treat them as individuals who develop at their own pace with support from caring adults and peers.  Old School welcomes any and all children of all abilities and celebrates diversity across its many different forms. 

We’re so excited about Old School’s outdoor ed focus! This is a great chance for our kids to learn about themselves, explore their interests, develop a sense of place, and grow their confidence in a safe and nurturing environment.
— Holly, South Burlington parent.

Our Program

Our program offers a habitat where children are immersed in nature both outside as well as indoors. Nature informs the curriculum and teachers work in collaboration with children’s interests to develop engaging learning opportunities. We have a goal to spend at least half of each day out in the forest: building with fallen branches, working in the garden, and following animal tracks in the snow. Sustained time outdoors in the Vermont weather is possible with the support of families/caregivers who commit to preparing their children physically, mentally, and spiritually each day.

Our full-day preschool program consists of 13 children led by 3 educators to maintain small class size. Toddlers are in a classroom of 8 children with 3 educators.

Additional information can be found in our Family Handbook.

Now enrolling. Contact us today to see if Old School of South Burlington is the right fit for your family or register online today.

2024 - 2025 HOURS AND RATES (effective Sept 2024)

Monday - Friday — 8:00am to 4:00pm

4 - 5pm after school hour available at $10/day

  • Preschool (Butterflies) 3-5 year olds — $82/day

    • 2 days/week: $710/month

    • 3 days/week: $1066/month

    • 5 days/week: $1776/month

      • Act 166 credit ($3884 in 2023/2024) — $388.4/month credit applied over 10 months (Sept - June)

  • Toddlers (Caterpillars) 18 months - 3 year olds — $102/day

    • 2 days/week: $884/month

    • 3 days/week: $1326/month

    • 5 days/week: $2210/month


Brandon Diaz - Founder and Program Director

Brandon graduated from Penn State with his B.S. in Human Development & Family Studies. He has been teaching preschool for over 10 years and practicing nature-based education since 2017. As a licensed VT educator, he holds an endorsement in Early Childhood Special Education. Brandon lives in the Old North End of Burlington with his artist wife Meg and daughter Minnie. In his down time he enjoys gardening, riding his bicycle, playing strategy games, and attempting new recipes. Brandon has dreamt of opening his own preschool since moving to Vermont in 2014.

“Brandon is a really stellar teacher. He’s incredibly patient, thoughtful and models kindness. These traits give him the super-power of engaging and connecting with children. He has helped nurture my son’s interest in gardening and the outdoors, music, and he even ‘gets’ my child’s jokes.”
— Jamie (former preschool parent)

Benefits of Nature-based learning

  • Greater independence and self-confidence stemming from frequent opportunities to learn what their bodies are capable of and to assess risk through play.

  • Higher long-term academic achievement and executive functioning as a result of the self-control and problem-solving practiced through play. 

  • A deep and personal connection with the natural world, fostered through unstructured outdoor playtime.

  • Improved gross and fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and balance, stronger immune systems, and better overall health as a result of frequent, vigorous outdoor activity.

  • And so many more…